Version History

Version 4.5.4 (2/9/2020)
*: Bugfix: fix for missing charts at the supplier popup

Version 4.5.3 (1/4/2020)
*: Bugfix: direct classification via subsub- en subclassification

Version 4.5.1 (17/3/2020)
+: German version now available!

Version 4.5.1 (20/2/2020)
*: Fixed: Classifications displayed wrong sometimes
*: Kraljic matrix SSL fix

Versie 4.5 (16/2/2020)
+: New analysis: Departments classified by Suppliers per Classification
+: New analysis: Kraljic Matrix (Classification)
+: New analysis: Kraljic Matrix (SubCategory)
*: SubCategory and SubSubCategory renamed to SubClassification and SubSubClassification to make the diffence from the categories from the importfile more clear
+: Classification of the Suppliers can now be done also directly via SubClassification or SubSubClassification, parent Classifications will be selected automatically
*: Rights of the Viewing license are made more clear now

Versie 4.4 (20/1/2020)
+: It is now possible to change the classification directly on the suppliercard (popup)
+: Added search buttons to suppliercard to search for more information about the support
+: Differences between last year added at the suppliercard
+: New analysis: Orderlines and Value per SubCategory
+: New analysis: Departments classified by Suppliers per SubCategory
*: CSV export fix to support special characters in Excel
*: Changing or deletetion of Categories is now also possible when they contain special characters

Versie 4.3.1 (3/10/2019)
*: Spend details per administration displayed now more nicely at the Suppliers -> Classification

Version 4.3 (5/15/2019)
*: Downloading of images at the Supplier popup is possible again
+: Added the possibility to change existing classifications
*: Classified suppliers from a different file can now be accessed via the Supplier popup
*: CBS Sectors and Departments adjusten to SBI 2019 standard
+: Added password forgot button to login box

Version 4.2 (3/12/2019)
+: Article analyses now in a separate group
+: Article analyses added: ABC analyse, total per value and articles per period
+: Supplier popup now support and shows the different years from the selection
+: Supplier popup also show articles now
*: Several bugfixes

Version 4.1
*: All analyses use now the Spic&Scan shared codebase
*: Bugfix original currency display orderlines at Supplier popup
*: Bugfix totals incorrect when year was selected

Version 4.0
*: Multi language site base on new Framework Code
*: Charts on the whole website changed to the new code and layout
*: Supplier card/popup refreshed with new graphics and redesigned code for speed
+: Classification analyses now in separate analysis group to make it possible to do category analysis when category information is present in the import file
*: Bubble charts adjusted so Unknown Category/Classification/General Legder/Cost Center is not displayed to make the chart more clear